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Find a suitable Friendz Travel voucher on ePercentOff, copy the promo code and then put all your favorites in the shopping cart. In the order overview, you will then see a field in which you can enter the Friendz Travel voucher code. With a click on "Done" the discount will be calculated and the total amount will be reduced accordingly.
If you wrote down the Friendz Travel voucher code by hand and typed it in manually, an error quickly happened; Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, especially with complicated combinations of letters and numbers. We therefore always recommend using the Copy & Paste method. Simply copy the promotion code into the PC's cache and then paste it into the voucher field with a click of the mouse. Finished!
Of course, you only want to order what you really want. Therefore, you should check the shopping cart carefully before ordering in the Friendz Travel online shop. If you notice something that is not correct, make changes now. For example, it is possible to remove items from the shopping cart or to adjust the number of items in a product.
The individual redemption conditions for the Friendz Travel Voucher also include the fact that it cannot be combined with other price and discount campaigns and can only be redeemed once per customer. Also, check whether the voucher is valid for new customers and/or existing customers or is linked to the minimum order value.
Visit our web portal to choose the right Friendz Travel voucher. The selection is updated regularly, which is why you will always find new, interesting vouchers. Read the voucher details to find out what discounts and other benefits you can get by redeeming the Friendz Travel voucher code. In addition, you will find out whether you have to meet certain requirements to be able to use a voucher at all. Now you choose the voucher that promises you the most savings.
If you have any questions about the products or about ordering, the Friendz Travel service team is there for you by e-mail or in person on the phone between 9am and 6pm +44 203 002 0123. It also makes sense to follow the provider on Facebook and Instagram.
Woodberry House, 2 Woodberry Grove Finchley, London.
N12 0DR (United Kingdom)
A combination of two vouchers that can be redeemed with a discount is currently not possible. You can redeem a voucher code at Friendz Travel during checkout. This means that even if there are several good offers available, it is necessary to choose one of the offers.
To find out whether you can redeem the selected Friendz Travel voucher code as a new customer or an existing customer, read the voucher description. There you will find information on who can use the voucher. Keep in mind that new customers cannot redeem a voucher for existing customers. It doesn't work the other way around either.
Sign up for the free newsletter and you will immediately receive a voucher that you can use for your next order. In addition, you will be regularly informed about new products and discounts.
If you want to cancel an unpaid order, log into your customer account and click on "My Orders". Then click the "Cancel" button next to the order in question. If you want to cancel an already paid order, you can do so while your order is still being processed. Go to your customer account and click on "My Messages". Send a message to support and ask for a cancellation. If your order has already been sent, cancellation is no longer possible.
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