Willow Bay is a UK-based retailer of high-quality interior design home furnishings and garden furniture. They provide home furniture, outdoor living, lighting, decor, and rugs at affordable prices. Avail up to 20% off on sale products plus Free Delivery. ePercentOff brings the latest working January, 2025 willowbay.co.uk Voucher Codes, and other discounted offers for you. Start saving today!
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Avail these fabulous savings and claim an amazing offer on the ultimate range of your purchases from the Willow Bay Home & Garden. Order soon before it’s too late!
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• First select a valid Willow Bay Home & Garden voucher code from the current list and click on it. This will direct you to the web shop, while an additional window with your Willow Bay Home & Garden Voucher will open.
• Now search for your desired items from the online range and add them to your shopping cart.
• As soon as you have found everything, you can access the contents of your shopping cart using the shopping cart symbol in the top right.
Once there, you can initiate the order and follow these further steps to redeem your Willow Bay Home & Garden discount:
• Decide on a guest order or a new customer account.
• Enter your billing and delivery address.
• Choose between PayPal, credit card, and direct debit, your preferred payment method.
• In the last step, fill in your Willow Bay Home & Garden discount code in the voucher field and confirm with "Redeem".
• Check your order again and finish with "Order with payment".
Also, check whether the Willow Bay Home & Garden voucher has not expired. Each voucher usually has a limited promotional period. Once this is over, you can unfortunately no longer activate the Willow Bay Home & Garden discount code.
Of course, you only want to order what you really want. Therefore, you should check the shopping cart carefully before ordering in the Willow Bay Home & Garden online shop. If you notice something that is not correct, make changes now. For example, it is possible to remove items from the shopping cart or to adjust the number of items in a product.
A Willow Bay Home & Garden coupon can be tied to minimum order value or to a specific payment method. In addition, there are coupons that are exclusively for new customers and cannot be redeemed by existing customers; you should not neglect that only one coupon can be redeemed per order. Accumulation with other special offers or discount campaigns may not be permitted.
So that you can also save a lot, you should choose the right coupon. You can find this by reading through the coupon descriptions of the individual coupons that are offered to you on our web portal. In these descriptions, you will find out which discounts and benefits you will receive and whether certain conditions apply under which you can redeem a Willow Bay Home & Garden coupon. Incidentally, the range of coupons is updated regularly. So you can save again with later orders.
You can reach the service team by e-mail at team@willowbay.co.uk and personally on the Office phone: 01904 900125, and Warehouse phone: 01924 806924. It also makes sense to follow Willow Bay Home & Garden on Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, and Instagram.
Willow Bay Home & Garden
Unit G, Wheatley Park
Mirfield, WF14 8HE
No, A Willow Bay Home & Garden voucher code can only be redeemed once per customer. A combination of several vouchers or other discounts is usually not possible. Also, check whether the Willow Bay Home & Garden voucher is valid for all customers or can only be used by new customers.
To find out whether you can redeem the selected Willow Bay Home & Garden voucher code as a new customer or an existing customer, read the voucher description. There you will find information on who can use the voucher. Keep in mind that new customers cannot redeem a voucher for existing customers. It doesn't work the other way around either.
Sign up for the free newsletter and you will immediately receive a voucher that you can use for your next order. In addition, you will be regularly informed about new products and discounts.
If you want to cancel an unpaid order, log into your customer account and click on "My Orders". Then click the "Cancel" button next to the order in question. If you want to cancel an already paid order, you can do so while your order is still being processed. Go to your customer account and click on "My Messages". Send a message to support and ask for a cancellation. If your order has already been sent, cancellation is no longer possible.
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